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 I believe everyone knows how to lose weight with fruits, but what kind of fruit is the fastest to lose weight? Here are 10 kinds of weight ...

10 Best Fruits For Weight Loss | Best Fruits For Lose Belly Fat Fast

 I believe everyone knows how to lose weight with fruits, but what kind of fruit is the fastest to lose weight? Here are 10 kinds of weight loss fruits that you eat and lose weight, tell you why you can lose weight by eating them, and teach you how to eat them to maximize weight loss.

1. Apple

Apple contains dietary fiber, which is good for gastrointestinal motility and detoxification. The calcium in apples helps in the metabolism of excess salt in the body and helps eliminate swelling caused by high salt content. Malic acid can metabolize body heat and prevent lower body obesity; pectin can also promote the discharge of lead, mercury, and manganese in the gastric tract, regulate the body's blood sugar level, and avoid the sudden increase and decrease of blood sugar. Apples are rich in potassium. Potassium not only relieves edema caused by excessive intake of sodium, but also has a diuretic effect.

Apple For Weight Loss Best Fruit for Weight loss

how to eat? The time to eat apples to lose weight is from morning to noon. If you feel hungry, just eat a big apple, which has an extraordinary effect on the thin abdomen!


Lemon contains organic acids such as citric acid and malice acid and flavonoid glycosides such as hesperidins, naringin, and holy grass. It also contains vitamin c, vitamin b1, vitamin b2 and niacin, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. A variety of nutrients, as well as coumarone, glutenols, volatile oils and other substances can promote the secretion of proteolytic enzymes in the stomach, increase gastrointestinal motility, and help digestion and absorption, and weight loss.

Best Fruit for Weight loss

Lemon juice has a strong bactericidal effect and the function of inhibiting uterine contractions, and can reduce blood lipids and have the effect of losing weight. Lemon also has a cosmetic effect, can prevent and eliminate skin pigmentation, make the skin smooth and soft. Lemon is highly alkaline and is considered to be a good medicine for curing all diseases. It can relieve cough, reduce phlegm, promote body fluid and invigorate the spleen, and it can greatly help the blood circulation of the human body. It can also promote metabolism and improve weight loss. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which can lower cholesterol.

how to eat? Cut the lemon into thin slices and soak in water, there will be a faint fragrance, refreshing. Lemonade can not only quench your thirst but also dilute the craving for food. Drinking water soaked with fresh lemon after a meal is very helpful for digestion. However, people with excessive stomach acid should not drink it.this is best fruit for weight loss.


As long as the digestive effect of pineapple is rich in bromelain, also known as pineapple enzyme, it has a function similar to papaya enzyme, which can break down protein and effectively dissolve fat, especially it can help the protein digestion of meat and reduce the body's absorption of fat. . A large amount of protease and dietary fiber in pineapple can help gastrointestinal digestion, and because of the large volume of dietary fiber and good adsorption, it can take away excess fat and other harmful substances in the intestine, which is significant for preventing and relieving symptoms of constipation. effect.

Best Fruit for Weight loss

how to eat? Before consuming the pineapple, "nail" it and soak it in salt water. After being soaked, cut into granules and put it in cheese or soft ice cream. It will be more delicious to eat after freezing. At the same time, it can clear heat and quench thirst, eliminate food and diuresis. You can also consume pineapple as a staple food, each instant you eat more than half a catty for 7 days, it will have very good results.

4. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit contains a very good source of dietary fiber. These edible fibers can help human digestion, absorb and take away many harmful substances and greasy fats in the intestines, and have obvious effects on preventing and linking the symptoms of constipation. They are indispensable substances for weight loss. According to the research of nutritionists, kiwi fruit also contains an unseparated substance that can accelerate the transmission of digested matter, increase the speed of metabolism, and effectively eliminate fat and lose weight.

Best Fruit for Weight loss

Kiwifruit contains healthy carotenoids (carotene, lutein and yellow pigments), phenolic compounds (anthocyanins, etc.) and antioxidants, including vitamin c, vitamin e and rich antioxidants that help inhibit cholesterol Oxidation. Kiwifruit contains a lot of pectin, which is believed to lower cholesterol.

how to eat? It can be eaten raw or squeezed into kiwi fruit juice to drink. Consistently drinking kiwi fruit juice for a long time can have the effect of slimming and beautifying the body, and help to improve sleep.

5. Grapefruit

Enzymes in grapefruit can "affect" the way the body uses and absorbs sugar, so that sugar will not be easily converted into fat storage. Grapefruit contains a special nutrient component of natural pectin, which can reduce blood cholesterol.

Best Fruit for Weight loss

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin b1, vitamin b2 and vitamin c, and because of its low calories, it is often used in weight loss diets. In addition, grapefruit is very rich in citric acid, sodium, potassium, and calcium, and citric acid helps the digestion of meat and prevents the body from ingesting too much fat.

how to eat? Do not eat with sweeter fruits or starchy foods, because this will make the grapefruit less easily digested and absorbed, and the same food is not conducive to weight loss. The best time to eat grapefruit to lose weight is at night. After half an hour of dinner, you can eat some grapefruit. This can avoid the inability to absorb and turn into fat due to excessive intake of nutrients. The same food can also accelerate the decomposition of body fat and avoid body loss.

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6. Banana

Banana is quite effective for weight loss because it is low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. Bananas are highly sweet, so many people often by mistake think that they must be high in calories, but they are not. A banana about 100 grams of net weight has only 87 calories. Compared with the amount of rice in a meal (150 grams of 220 calories), it only has less than half of the calories.

Best Fruit for Weight loss

Bananas contain almost all vitamins and minerals. Therefore, bananas are the best food for weight loss. Bananas also have the belongings of moistening the intestines and laxatives, moisturizing the lungs and relieving coughs, clearing away heat and detoxification, helping digestion and nourishing.

how to eat? It can be eaten as a fruit at ordinary times, or as a staple food. Bananas are easy to make people feel full, and they are rich in calcium and vitamins, which can eliminate swelling. But remember to eat them with other vegetables for high nutrition. Low-calorie foods are better to supplement the nutrients that are not ingested.

7. Hawthorn

Hawthorn contains citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, sugar and protein, carbohydrates, etc., which can lower blood pressure and promote gastrointestinal digestion. Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn can invigorate the spleen and reduce accumulation, is beneficial to weight loss, and can assist in the treatment of secondary obesity. Hawthorn is tart and sugary in nature, a little hot in nature, and belongs to the spleen, stomach and liver meridians. It has a super decomposing and absorbing capacity for meat and hard-to-digest oily foods. This function is beneficial to weight loss.

Best Fruit for Weight loss

Hawthorn is rich in dietary fiber and pectin. Dietary fiber is the "scavenger" of the intestinal tract, which can promote the peristalsis of the intestine and the secretion of digestive glands, which is beneficial to the digestion of food and the excretion of waste. Pectin has the result of lower cholesterol  and blood sugar level.

how to eat? Hawthorn is too sour, if it is eaten directly, it is estimated that few people can stand it. But it can be made into a variety of different flavors of hawthorn tea to replace the plain water we usually drink, so that we can enjoy the deliciousness while also receiving a good weight loss effect. In addition, hawthorn can be made into snacks, such as dried fruit, hawthorn cake, salad and so on.

8. Pitaya

Pitaya is first of all a very low-calorie and high fiber fruit. Eating this fruit can effectively detoxify and lose weight, so it is deeply loved by people who lose weight. 

10 Best Fruits for Weight loss

Pitaya contains vitamin C for skin whitening and rich water-soluble dietary fiber with the functions of losing weight, lowering blood sugar, moisturizing the intestines, and preventing colorectal cancer. Pitaya is also very effective in preventing and treating constipation.


Straw berry contain pectin and rich nutritional fiber, which can help digestion and smooth stool. It also has an extraordinary effect on regulating the body's cholesterol and fat content. Strawberry contains a substance called aspartic acid, which can naturally and gently remove the "slag" in the body, and has the effect of detoxification and beauty.

10 Best Fruits for Weight loss

how to eat? Eating strawberries and yogurt together is very effective for weight loss. You can eat strawberries and drink yogurt directly, or you can mix strawberry juice and yogurt to eat, which can quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger.

10. Oranges

oranges can effectively slow down the cells which make fat. In addition, it contains dietary fiber that reduces body fat and is easy to produce satiety, so it has the effect of weight loss. Tangerines are rich in vitamin C and citric acid. The previous has beauty effects and the second has the effect of eliminate weakness. If you eat the thin skin on the inner side of oranges together, you can take in dietary fiber in addition to vitamin C, which can relax bowel movements and lower cholesterol.

10 Best Fruits for Weight loss

how to eat? Do not eat oranges before meals or on an empty stomach, because the pulp of oranges contains organic acids, which can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause physical discomfort. You can eat a roasted orange before a meal, dry the orange in a frying pan until the skin is slightly charred, then let the orange cool, and then peel the orange to eat the orange flesh, and eat it with the white fiber. It is enough to insist on taking 1 piece a day, up to 2 pieces, and 1 week is a course of treatment. You can also mix oranges with other meals. The best way is to make a salad.

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